
About Colin Griffin

Colin Griffin B.A. MSc is a Strength & Conditioning coach, Performance Coach and former international athlete. Colin competed in the 50km walk at the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games and has also coached up to Olympic level with over 15 years experience in elite sport. He currently works as a Strength & Conditioning coach at the Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin with a primary focus on injury rehabilitation and is also founder and Director of The Altitude Centre Ireland. Colin completed a degree in Strength & Conditioning with Setanta College before achieving an MSc in Coaching & Exercise Science in UCD and is currently undertaking a PHD in muscle-tendon mechanics at the University of Nice. He is an IAAF Level 4 Endurance Coach, coach education tutor with Athletics Ireland and an accredited S&C coach with the Sport Ireland Institute of Sport.

Developing As An S&C Coach – Lessons Learned So Far

“Having the knowledge is ineffective if you lack good communication and relationship skills with your athletes and colleagues.” Former Setanta student, ex athlete and current Strength & Conditioning Coach with Sports Surgery Clinic, Colin Griffin, tells of his journey developing [...]