Workplace Wellness at Setanta College

Helping you take the first step to improving workplace wellness

Wellness Course
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Welcome Message

Without doubt, there are a number of cornerstones that we as specialists and professionals within sport, physical fitness, personal training, rehabilitation and physical education rely on to ensure that we are at the top of our ‘game’ so to speak.

We consider one of most impacting cornerstones to be ‘wellness’, and this broadens out into not only sport but also within the working environment. A healthy mind is the greatest tool you can bring to any task, both on a personal and professional level.

We’re delighted to provide a series of workshops and certificated modules that focus on the most up to date practice, theory and reflection on a number of key areas related to wellness. These are listed and described below and we hope that you will join us on our collective continuous education journey.

Dr Liam Hennessy

Bespoke Courses

Bespoke Wellness and Education Programmes

  • Programmes include:

  • Wellness Assessment

  • Personalised Exercise Plan

  • Tailored Education Plan

  • You will learn how to:

  • Assess Movement Patterns

  • Implement Corrective Strategies

  • Prescribe Exercise Programmes


Wellness Workshops

As part of improving the Wellness offering across Irish workplaces, Setanta College offer a range of 1 day workshops. We adapt our content to deliver bespoke workshops to your workforce. Incorporating both theory and practical, topics covered on the day include physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and occupational wellbeing.

Fitness Testing

We also offer a practical day of fitness testing for your workforce. With studies showing benefits of physical activity to improve quality of life, our fitness experts test for BMI, functional movement competence and V02 max (measure a person’s ability to transport oxygen from the air and deliver it to the working muscles). We then analyse the results and prescribe your workforce with personalised corrective programmes to help improve fitness.


Functional Screening

Setanta College provide bespoke courses to improve the education around wellness. We work with groups and individuals to ensure they have the skills to enhance workplace wellbeing for their colleagues. We recommend Functional Screening to be the first step of the educational wellness pathway. Functional Screening is a tool used to assess fundamental movement patterns and determine the functional competence of the individual. The ‘Wellness Officer’ will also gain the skills to prescribe effective corrective and development programmes for colleagues based on the screening outcomes.

Resistance Training

Using physical activity as one of the key components to overall wellness, resistance training adapts both the body and the mind into a healthier state. This bespoke module looks at the practical resistance training modes including traditional circuit training, core stability, kettlebell, medicine ball and chain. The Wellness Officer can used their skills to help improve the fitness and strength of their felloe colleagues in one-on-one sessions or group circuits.


This module introduces the Wellness Officer to a broad coverage of the key areas of nutrition. It deals primarily with general principles, but draws on examples from various work related backgrounds to illustrate the nutritional goals of individuals in the workforce, and also, in sport specific training. It highlights some of the dietary strategies that can be employed to meet individual goals and overall promote a healthier lifestyle within your workplace.

Personal Training Qualification

Our education pathway not only benefits the Wellness Officer and their surrounding workforce, but offers a Level 5 Diploma in Personal Training for them to further extend their wellness knowledge to the wider community.

All our modules are bespoke to your workplace and are produced in a blended learning format. This means individuals study part-time, online at a time that suits them and attend practical workshops at their place of work or Setanta College. All our modules are QQI approved and you will have a dedicated Setanta College lecturer allocated to you to help throughout your studies.

A message from Dave Carroll, Chief Fire Officer, Tipperary

“There’s been a longstanding emphasis on the ‘safety’ element of health and safety in the workplace. We wanted to develop the idea of employee and firefighter health. I was conscious that ours is a very stressful job and while counselling is made available to our crews after difficult operations, it’s well known that fitness is a great stress reliever too. We are also very interested in the injury reduction aspect is also vital – research has shown that a healthier, fitter workforce is a happier and more productive workforce”.

Dave Carroll, Chief Fire Officer, Tipperary Fire & Rescue Service.

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