
Preparing for the Senior Game – A Closer Look at the Physical Demands of Junior Rugby

In a previous piece, Setanta College graduate Annie McCarra MSc, examined the Physical Demands of Rugby Union, and the difference between the senior and junior game. In this article, Annie examines the demands of Junior Rugby in more detail. A [...]

The Physical Demands of Rugby Union: Analysing the Difference Between the Senior & Junior Game

The Evolution of Rugby Union When Rugby Union became professional in 1995 so too did the style of play, with players becoming bigger, stronger, and faster. This increase in physicality has influenced growing research on the science behind the sport, [...]

From Belfast to Uruguay – The Life and Story of an S&C Intern

Ahead of Uruguay's first match against Fiji in the Rugby World Cup, we sit down with Setanta College student, Dean Lester, who took up a 9-month strength and conditioning internship with the Uruguay National Rugby Union. Working alongside Craig White, [...]

By |2020-05-26T14:08:04+01:00September 24th, 2019|Masters, Opinion, Athletic Performance, Rugby, Sports Technology|

Q&A with Italian Rugby Strength and Conditioning Coach Mark Brady

A fascinating sub-plot to this Rugby World Cup is the story of the Irish names involved. Within Federazione Italiana Rugby there is obviously the head coach, Conor O'Shea, while a key member of the Italian backroom team hails from Dundrum, [...]

By |2019-09-18T14:57:30+01:00September 18th, 2019|Opinion, Setanta Talks, Athletic Performance, Rugby, Sports Technology|

Injury Incidence Profile of the Amateur Rugby Player

Research Title: Injury Incidence Profile of the Amateur Rugby Player   Since the advent of professionalism, the demand for knowledge on the science behind Rugby Union has influenced the investigation of injury incidence and epidemiology, the majority of which is [...]

Setanta Talks – featuring S&C Coach for Georgia Rugby, Ged McNamara

In this episode of Setanta Talks, we had Clare local Ged McNamara talk to Dr. Liam about how he has become one of the key developers of S&C for Georgia Rugby, his preparation for the Rugby World Cup and how [...]